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December 1st, 2015

The Rise of the Green Buyer in Supply Chains

HP Says its Customers ask for Sustainability Metrics in Bids

The world of supply chains has rapidly evolved in the last decade to demand more transparency and trace ability. As this evolution continues, challenges have predictably emerged. One central challenge is that companies have invested so much in optimizing their supply chains for cost savings and risk reduction that they’re not actively retrofitting their management systems to account for sustainability.

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Logo property of GreenBiz

For example, Cimmaron Nix, program manager for human rights and supply chain responsibility at Hewlett-Packard Enterprise, said that customers increasingly ask for sustainability metrics in bids for the company’s services. To read more, please go HERE. There is now more embrace of the “green buyer” as opposed to the “green consumer.” The green consumer refers to the average citizen that would vote with their dollars to transform industries. The green buyer, however, is the corporate or government procurement agent that asks the right questions of suppliers. This means that it’s the green buyer who writes the purchasing checks that interest the manufacturers.

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