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November 15th, 2023

America the beautiful. Recycling helps keep it that way.

Recycling is all about doing good for the environment. This is why EnviroPAK wants to remind you to take part in America Recycles Day on Wednesday, November 15th. It’s part of an eco-friendly movement that started in 1997 and encourages Americans to be more mindful of what they consume, to properly recycle, and recycle more each and every day.

What’s truly special about America Recycles Day is the fact that it’s the only nationally-recognized day solely dedicated to promoting and celebrating recycling throughout the United States. What is resulting from these dedicated recycling efforts is having a positive impact on our environment. Here are a few examples:

•  Saves energy natural resources such as trees and water
•  Produces less waste in landfills and incinerator use is lowered
•  Reduces greenhouse gasses by decreasing raw material processing
•  Sustains greenspaces for future generations to enjoy
•  Repurposes waste material into new items

Make a positive difference by being part of this eco-friendly day all year long.

America Recycles Day doesn’t have to be one day a year. The Keep America Beautiful organization urges people throughout the year to reduce, reuse, repurpose and recycle in every aspect of their life through the following ways:

•  Recycle at home, work, school and when you’re on the go
•  Buy products made with recycled content such as molded fiber
•  Educate and encourage friends, family, and neighbors to recycle

When you take an active part in recycling you’re part of a larger effort of 94% of Americans throughout the United States who support the good that comes out of recycling. These efforts are paying off. According to a recent EPA report, Americans recycled or composted 93.9 million tons for a nationwide recycling rate of 32.1%. The most common materials recycled weighs in at 69.1 million tons. Here’s that breakdown by material type:

•  Paper & Paperboard: 45,970,000 tons (66.5%)
•  Metals: 8,720,000 tons (12.6%)
•  Wood: 3,100,000 tons (4.5%)
•  Plastics: 3,090,000 tons (4.5%)
•  Glass: 3,060,000 tons (4.4%)
•  Textiles: 2,510,000 tons (3.6%)
•  Rubber & Leather: 1,670,000 tons (2.4%)
•  Other: 980,000 tons (1.4%)

At EnviroPAK, we’re also celebrating America Recycles Day through our company wide recycling drive starting November 15th and continuing all this week. We’re encouraging our valued team members to take part by bringing in mixed paper (newsprint, cardboard, etc.) from their household. From there we will repurpose this material into our 100% biodegradable molded fiber packaging. We think that’s a beautiful thing for our employees, their family, our customers, and our country.

You can learn more about the importance of America Recycles Day, and all the things you can do to make the planet a greener place to live, by visiting the Keep America Beautiful.

Bryon Crump
Vice President, Sales & Marketing
Bryon Crump brings over 25 years of experience in all aspects of custom molded fiber packaging to the team at EnviroPAK. He serves in an essential sales role and is part of the company’s management team where he’s focused on production planning, customer service, and ensuring retention of key accounts.
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