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Outdoor Goods
Leave no trace behind.
The positive impacts of molded fiber in the outdoor goods market.

Eco-conscious outdoor enthusiasts want to protect the environment that brings them so much enjoyment. What has resulted is a positive change that outdoor goods brands are embracing: Sustainability. It’s especially evident in custom packaging material choices where plastic is being replaced by biodegradable and compostable materials such as molded fiber from EnviroPAK.

Listen to the sound of the outdoors:
“We all share the responsibility for our playground: Planet Earth.”
“We’re in business to save
our home planet.”
“Made with Mother
Nature in mind.”
“Geared for good.”
Molded Fiber packaging is the ideal choice for outdoor enthusiasts.

Because molded fiber is a sustainable packaging choice, it leaves no trace behind post use. This gives outdoor goods a “green” brand image by ensuring their products help keep forests, rivers and oceans pristine for camping, hiking, fishing and other outdoor activities. And it’s what green buyers are shopping for on store shelves.

“78% of U.S. consumers claim a sustainable lifestyle is important.”

Joint study, McKinsey and NielsenIQ, 2023

Our journey of doing good.

EnviroPAK has been on a sustainability mission since we produced our first custom molded fiber packaging back in 1995. Today, we continue to head in the right direction by offering the most innovative, protective, and cost-effective sustainable packaging solutions available. It’s a positive mindset. It’s also the direction outdoor consumer brands are heading in a category estimated at $26.3B annually with a growth rate expected at 5.98% through 2028. And EnviroPAK can help get you there.

“Our business relies on waters that remain pristine for fly fishing, so we must be good stewards of these same waters.”

RIO Products, an EnviroPAK Molded Fiber Packaging Customer

Protecting products. Protecting brands.


EnviroPAK is European Green Dot Compliant, and follows EPA procurement guidelines for recycled materials. Plus, our packaging products are made from 100% recyclable molded fiber which helps sustain our planet.


Packing created using molded fiber from EnviroPAK has the ability to decompose rapidly. It’s here today, gone tomorrow for a healthier environment while reducing waste build-up in landfills.


Our molded fiber packaging can break down into natural elements in a compost environment. Why is that important for your company? Because it’s important for your customers and how they view your brand.

U.S. Lacey Act

Protecting trees is a movement that is growing. And we’re part of this effort since we adhere to U.S. Lacey Act standards that help eliminate the illegal harvesting of wood utilized in manufacturing.

Toxins in Packaging

We comply with laws to reduce harmful toxins in packaging. We do this for so many positive reasons since we’re part of the solution to ensure an environment that’s safer for everyone.

ISO 14000 Standards

By conforming to ISO 14000 Standards we can effectively manage our environmental responsibilities. We live by it because our environment lives by it.

Designed for good.

For a greater understanding of the positive possibilities of molded fiber, read our client case studies below.

Rio Products Fly Line

Problem: Leave no trace behind.

RIO Products consider themselves “fly fishing ambassadors” and offer the industry’s most comprehensive and technically advanced fly lines. They provide anglers products to enjoy fishing in streams, lakes and oceans. The challenge was the spoolers that held the lines were EPS based and if dropped or lost in these pristine waters would not biodegrade. A more sustainable material solution was needed.

Solution: Here’s our fish story and it’s all true.

The objective for EviroPAK was clear: create a fly line spooler for RIO that functioned flawlessly, but if it fell into the water it would literally “dissolve” and leave no trace. Prototypes were tested and retested until all function requirements were achieved. Even a unique spacing gap was created for color code identification of the fly line. And since the actual spooler was made out of molded fiber, it was biodegradable. It was perfect for RIO, anglers and the environment.

Bubba Fishing Pliers

Problem: The product was made for water, but the packaging wasn’t.

Removing hooks from fish is easy with these popular fishing pliers. But it’s tough on the environment (and brand image) if the plastic tray containing these pliers is lost in the water. The manufacturer needed a 100% biodegradable tray solution that could also fit inside existing exterior paper packaging. Adding to the complexity of this hybrid solution was how the pliers had to be visible on one side and a sheath on the opposite side. It was clear to see EnviroPAK® had some smart thinking to do.

Solution: Fishing pliers that grab the attention of consumers.

One of the essential requirements the EnviroPAK® engineers met was designing a two part, interlocking molded fiber tray. Success was due in part to prototype testing and ensuring manufacturability on the production line. This premium finish tray not only had brand appeal in a retail setting, it was also highly visible on 2 sides of the existing exterior packaging. It was more than just a hybrid solution. The 100% biodegradable tray was a natural fit for the environment.

HUMMINBIRD® by Johnson Outdoors®

Problem: A beautiful product needed packaging that looked just as nice.

HUMMINBIRD® by Johnson Outdoors® is known for their premium fish finder technology products. But when they came to EnviroPAK®, they were looking for something else. A packaging solution to replace the unappealing brand look of die-cut corrugate. In addition, it had to be easier to pack out compared to corrugate as well as enhance their “positive impact on the environment” mission.

Solution: Brand image. It’s everything.

When the EnviroPAK® engineers first saw the premium HUMMINBIRD® fish finder, they were amazed at the gorgeous design. They took this first impression and created the same brand appeal in the packaging using premium finish molded fiber. Compared to die-cut corrugate, the edges were smoother, the surfaces were more aesthetically pleasing, and no time consuming folding was required.

The fish finder packaging was also designed with a molded fiber tray that moved the unit to the top of the box for improved consumer presentation. With so many positives, HUMMINBIRD had EnviroPAK convert four more product lines to molded fiber packaging – a sustainable material that aligned perfectly with their “Clean Earth Challenge” for keeping nature litter-free.

Polaris Off Road Vehicles

Problem: Long lead times. The weak link in the supply chain.

Polaris is one of the most popular brands for off-road vehicles that can take you where others can’t. Shipping the molded fiber packaging for sub-assemblies from their supplier in Mexico to the Polaris facility in Huntsville, Alabama was challenging. This critical supply chain issue had to be resolved to ensure on time delivery of off-road vehicles to dealerships. That’s when Polaris turned to St. Louis-based EnviroPAK.

Solution: Fast tracking a quicker delivery process.

One key reason Polaris turned to EnviroPAK: their central location in St. Louis, Missouri was just a few hundred miles (not thousands of miles) from the Polaris assembly facility in Huntsville, Alabama. Being closer eliminated delays with border crossings, created significantly shorter lead times for packaging shipments, and drastically lowered freight costs. EnviroPAK also had the manufacturing capacity to produce the required quantities of “Made in the USA” molded fiber packaging. An added benefit: The custom packaging was easier to handle and de-nest for Polaris assembly operators than previous packaging from Mexico. EnviroPAK took Polaris where other molded fiber manufacturers couldn’t.

Get the full story on how we helped RIO products brand meet their sustainable packaging needs with molded fiber.
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