Archive, Blog
November 25th, 2014

Industry Term: Sustainable Materials Management

SMM is Increasingly Recognized as a Policy Approach

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Our friends at Packaging Digest have published an article written by Katherine O’Dea, a senior director of innovation and advisory services for GreenBlue, a nonprofit that equips business with the science and resources to make products more sustainable. Katherine states that Sustainable Materials Management (SMM) is “increasingly recognized as a policy approach that can make a key contribution to green growth…” In embracing the SMM agenda, GreenBlue has extracted three key principles or axes around which it is now building an operational framework, which captures the closed-loop philosophy that is the foundation of the SPC’s work. These practical and pragmatic, yet holistic, principles are Use Wisely, Eliminate Toxicity and Recover More.

To read the full article and the full description of the three principle, please go HERE.

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