Case Studies
Shipping is a lot quicker when you start with EnviroPAK®.

Buyer demand for Polaris off-road vehicles is never in shortage. That means packaging for sub-assemblies can never be in short supply either to ensure supply chain reliability and on time dealer shipments.

“Not only do we get the packaging as scheduled, when it arrives our operators have zero issues pulling it apart to prepare sub-assemblies.”

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Off-Road Vehicle Sub-Assemblies

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Molded Fiber


Long lead times. The weak link in the supply chain.

Polaris is one of the most popular brands for off-road vehicles that can take you where others can’t. Shipping the molded fiber packaging for sub-assemblies from their supplier in Mexico to the Polaris facility in Huntsville, Alabama was challenging. This critical supply chain issue had to be resolved to ensure on time delivery of off-road vehicles to dealerships. That’s when Polaris turned to St. Louis-based EnviroPAK.


Fast tracking a quicker delivery process.

One key reason Polaris turned to EnviroPAK: their central location in St. Louis, Missouri was just a few hundred miles (not thousands of miles) from the Polaris assembly facility in Huntsville, Alabama. Being closer eliminated delays with border crossings, created significantly shorter lead times for packaging shipments, and drastically lowered freight costs. EnviroPAK also had the manufacturing capacity to produce the required quantities of “Made in the USA” molded fiber packaging. An added benefit: The custom packaging was easier to handle and de-nest for Polaris assembly operators than previous packaging from Mexico. EnviroPAK took Polaris where other molded fiber manufacturers couldn’t.