This leading thermal ticket/label printer required packaging to form-fit and safeguard their sensitive electronics product. Learn how EnviroPAK accomplished all that and more with sustainable molded fiber.
With warehouse storage reduction, superior protection, and tray engineering to consolidate part SKUs, EnviroPAK® molded fiber packaging opened new doors to cost savings for this company.
Read why molded fiber was a breath of fresh air for this mouthwash and toothpaste starter set that required premium finish packaging for consumer brand appeal.
What material can be dependable for fly fishing products and still be environmentally friendly for lakes, streams, rivers and oceans? Find out why molded fiber was the ideal choice.
These credit card terminals offered instant customer payment transactions. Discover how a molded fiber solution made the packaging process almost as fast.
When a manufacturer of kitchen knife sharpeners required a new packaging solution that was both cost effective and eco-friendly, only one company made the cut.
This leader in fish “mapping” technology required a more appealing brand look for a premium product line that die-cut corrugate lacked. The solution was found in molded fiber.
These premium pliers not only were corrosion resistant, but featured a unique 90 degree angle for easy hook removal. It had everything, except sustainable molded fiber packaging.